STEP1:make sure you ICOM A2 have a WIFI card
go to
pass: NZY11502
make a self-test, than you can got the test result , the WIFI function must be OK
STEP2:Go to make the WIFI setting, ( the bmw ICOM a2 WIFI version no need setting)
a . Set the mode to ISPI-NEXT
b . SET WLAN , SSID name ISPI-NEXT PASS:12345678 save
After the setting on ICOM is done , let’s make computer setting, suggest buy the a USB WIFI card , then set it to AP mode
Then set same SSID name as ICOM Next; ISPI-NEXT
And choose WSP2 method , enter same password :12345678
Then OK, unplug ICOM LAN cable, restart ICOM waiting it connect to laptop WIFI!
Then start ISTA/D make diagnostic. Enjoy!